Income Alone Does Not Guarantee Financial Wellness


Increases in the cost of living, saving for retirement, sky-rocketing education costs, aging parents - more is expected of all of us financially- and it often seems overwhelming and confusing to make ends meet.  Managing your day-to-day financial situation while properly planning for the future is filled with options, and developing a plan with a trusted professional is essential to determine how to best fit it all in.

90% of Americans surveyed by the American Psychological Association said the level of stress they are feeling about money has either remained the same or gotten worse in the last year. 


If you are managing your finances with a partner, it can be hard to have positive and productive conversations regarding spending, saving, upcoming expenses, and financial priorities.  If you are solely responsible for your finances, it can be challenging to tackle the effort alone.  If you have made mistakes in the past involving spending without parameters or accumulating debt, it can be hard to move forward without a feeling of paralysis.  When my clients find themselves struggling as a result of being out of synch with their financial priorities, their personal relationships suffer, as well as their happiness and well-being.   

I am committed to partnering with you to change this dynamic.  


The money you work so hard to earn should bring a sense of security, fulfillment, and happiness.  You have the power to make informed choices, control your money, and plan for your financial future.   The sooner you begin, the faster and easier it will be to reach your financial goals.